The Beveridge Committee Report on the Welfare State
(Public Record Office Class PIN 8 and CAB 87/76-82)
CAB 87/76: Social Insurance and Allied Services Series SIC [41]
Minutes and Memoranda of the Beveridge Committee, 1941
Meetings 1-6 and Papers 1-22
ff 1-451
1st Meeting 8.7.1941
Subjects Discussed:
1. Constitution of the Committee
2. Secretariat and Office Arrangements
3. Terms of Reference
4. Memoranda from Departments
5. Survey of Other Countries
6. Representations from interested Bodies and Persons
7. General Approach to Problems
2nd Meeting 29.4.1841
Subjects Discussed:
1. Employers Pension Scheme
2. Survey of Other Countries
3. Representations from interested Bodies and Persons
4. Ministry of Agriculture
5. Social Security. General Problems of:
6. Differences in Scope between the Various Schemes
7. Differences in Rates of Benefit between the Schemes
3rd Meeting 15.10.1941
Subjects Discussed:
1. Publication of Summary and Analysis
2. Rates of Benefit
Papers Considered SIC [41] 13
3. Long Period Rates of Benefit
4. Conditions of Benefit
5. Finance
Papers Considered SIC [41] 13
4th Meeting 29.10.1941
Subjects Discussed:
1. Finance of Social Insurance
2. Holidays with Pay
3. Life Assurance and Fire Insurance
4. Association of Approved Societies
5th Meeting 26.11.1941
Subjects Discussed:
1. Association of Approved Societies. Oral evidence from:
Representations of:
2. New Zealand Social Security Scheme
3. Future Proceedings
6th Meeting 17.12.1941
Subjects Discussed:
1. Correspondence
2. Request for Information on Dominion and Foreign Experience to
the International Labour Office
Papers Considered SIC [41] 17
3. Nuffield College Social Reconstruction Survey
4. Other Information for the Committee.
Workmens Compensation. Cost of:
Public Assistance
5. Preface to the Summary of Existing Schemes
Papers Considered SIC [41] 19
6. Basic Problems of Social Security
Supplementary Pensions
Cost of Pensions
Employers Contributions
Childrens Allowance
Collection of Contributions
7. Future Programme
Memoranda: Papers 1-22
SIC [41]
1/1.7.41: Composition and Terms of Reference
2/10.7.41: General Approach to the Problem. Note by the Chairman
3/2.9.41: Non-Contributory Old Age Pensions.
Note by Commissioners of Customs and Excise4 2.9.41
- National Health Insurance and Contributory Pensions Insurance
- Public Health and Poor Law Services
- Welfare of the Blind
Leaflets and memoranda provided by the Ministry of Health and
Department of Health of Scotland
5/4.9.41: Unemployment Insurance Scheme. Survey of: Memo by the
Ministry of Labour
6/6.9.41: Pensions. Memoranda and Leaflets.
7/8.9.41: Workmens Compensation
- Explanatory Memo on t he Workmens Compensation Acts, 1925-1940
- Memorandum of Evidence submitted by the Home Office to the
Royal Commission on Workmens Compensation
- Memorandum by the Home Office mainly dealing with Present
Problem of Workmens Compensation
8/10.9.41: Unemployment Assistance and Supplementary Pensions.
Memo by the Assistance Board
9/5.9.41: Friendly Societies and industrial Assurance
Commissioners. Memo by Chief Registrar of:
10/12.9.41: Financial Help Before and After Confinement
The School Health Services in England and Wales
11/17.9.41: Summary and Comparative Analysis of the Principal
- Administration
- Scope
- Rates of Contributions
- Rates of Benefit
- Conditions of Benefit
12/23.9.41: Payments and Receipts of the Social Insurance and
Assistance Services. Statement of:
13/10.41: Social Insurance and Assistance. Existing Schemes of:
- Treatment and Cash Payments
- Differences in the Existing Scheme (of Cash Payments)
14/29.10.41: Persons and Risks Not Covered by Existing Schemes of
Social Insurance
15/29.10.41: Association of Approved Societies. Outline of
Evidence to be presented to the Beveridge Committee. Note by
Secretary covering:
16/13.11.41: Holidays with Pay. Position in Great Britain,
September 1941. Memo prepared by the Ministry of Labour and
National Service
17/11.12.41: Request for Information on Dominion and Foreign
Experience to the International Labour Office. Draft of: (revised
3.1.42) Note by the Chairman
18/11.12.41: Nuffield College Social Reconstruction Survey. Note
by the Chairman
19/11.12.41: Social Insurance and Assistance. Draft of Preface to
the Summary and Analysis of Existing National Schemes of: Note by
the Chairman
20/11.12.41: Basic Problems of Social Security with Heads of a
Scheme. Memo by Chairman
21/15.12.41: New Zealand Social Security Scheme. Outline of: Note
by G H Maddex, Government Actuarys Department
22/19.12.41: Finance of Social Insurance. Some Statistical Short
Cuts. Note by the Chairman
CAB 87/77: Social Insurance and Allied
Services Series SIC [41]
Minutes and Memoranda of the Beveridge Committee, 1942 Meetings 1-5
ff 1-170
1st Meeting 14.1.1942
Subjects Discussed:
1 Request for Information on Dominion and Foreign Experience to
International Labour Office. Social insurance Resolutions
submitted to the Committee
Papers Considered SIC [41] 17 revised; SIC [42] 1
2. Representation from Interested Organisations
3. Future Meetings
4. Trades Union Congress
2nd Meeting 21.1.1942
Subjects Discussed:
1. Points Raised with the Chancellor of the Exchequer and
Minister without Portfolio
2. Rehabilitation and Resettlement of Disabled Persons: Committee
on: Terms of Reference
3. Some Principal Questions
4. Trades Union Congress. Contact with:
5. National Association of Relieving Officers and London Old Age
Pensions Committee. Memoranda
submitted by:
Papers Considered SIC [42] 4 & 5
6. Local Authority Associations
7. Social Security. Basic Problems of:
8. Equal Contributions from Employers, Employees and the State
9. Social Insurance. Unification of:
10. Assimilation of Benefits for Interruption of Earnings by any
11. Differentiation by Causes of Death or Permanent Incapacity
12. Flat Rates of Benefit and Contribution
13. Subsistence Needs
3rd Meeting 11.2.1942
Subjects Discussed:
1. Minutes of 2nd Meeting
2. Social Security. Basic Problems of Papers Considered SIC [42] 20
3. Women
4. Old Persons
5, Future Procedure
Papers Considered SIC [42] 10 & 6 Revised
6. Evidence. Future Programme of:
7, Anomalies and Improvements
8. Midland Employers Mutual Assurance Ltd. Oral Evidence from:
4th Meeting 24.2.1842
Subjects Discussed: Evidence on behalf of the National Conference
of Friendly Societies Friendly Societies
5th Meeting: Part I 11.3.1942
Subjects Discussed: Evidence on behalf of the Parliamentary
Committee of the Co-operative Congress
5th Meeting Part II 11.3.1942
Subjects Discussed: Evidence on behalf of the National Council of
Women of Great Britain
CAB 76/66 (continued): Social Insurance and Allied Services
Series SIC [41]
Minutes and Memoranda of the Beveridge Committee, 1942
Meetings 6-15
ff 171-420
6th Meeting 18.3.1942
Subjects Discussed:
1. Report of the Committee. Date of:
2. Income Limit. Problem of: Papers Considered SIC [42] 20
3. Contribution Duration of Benefit Papers Considered
SIC [42] 22
4. Livelihood. Loss or Change of:
5. Subsidiary Benefits
7th Meeting 20.3.1942
Subjects Discussed: National Conference of Industrial Assurance
Approved Societies. Evidence given by:
8th Meeting: Part I 8.4.1942
Subjects Discussed: Evidence on behalf of the National Council of
Social Service (Incorporated)
Part II 8.4.1942
Subjects Discussed: Evidence given on behalf of the Accident
Offices Association
9th Meeting 9.5.1942
Subjects Discussed:
1. British Employers Confederation
2. Future Meetings of the Committee
3. Trades Union Congress
4. International Labour Office
10th 13.5.1942
Subjects Discussed: Supplementary Memorandum by International
Labour Office Papers Considered SIC [42] 47
11th Meeting 20.5.1942
Subjects Discussed: Evidence on behalf of the Old Age Pensions
Evidence on behalf of the British Employers Confederation
12th Meeting 2.6.1942
Subjects Discussed: Evidence on behalf of the Family Endowment
13th Meeting 3.6.1942
Subjects Discussed: Report of the Sub-Committee on Administration
and Note by Chairman
Papers Considered SIC [42]0 54 and 60
14th Meeting 16.6.1942
Subjects Discussed: Evidence on behalf of the National Conference
of Friendly Societies
Evidence on behalf of the National Federation of Employees Approved Societies
15th Meeting 16.6.1942
Subjects Discussed: Evidence on behalf of the Prudential
Assurance Co Ltd
CAB 87/78
Social Insurance and Allied Services Series SIC [41]: Minutes and
Memoranda of the Beveridge Committee, 1942
Meetings 16-38
ff 1-422
16th Meeting 17.6.1942
Subjects Discussed: Industrial Life Offices Association.
Evidence on behalf of:
17th Meeting 17.6.1942
Subjects Discussed: Federation of Master Cotton Spinners
Association. Evidence on behalf of:
P E P Political and Economic Planning. Evidence by:
18th Meeting: Part 18.6.1942
Subjects Discussed: Shipping Federation and the Liverpool Steam
Ship Owners Association. Evidence on behalf of:
19th Meeting 23.6.1942
Subjects Discussed:
1. Workmens Compensation
Papers Considered SIC [42] 78 and 87
2. Voluntary Insurance
3. Basis of Benefit and Pension Rates
4. Transition Problems (Pensions and Funeral Benefit)
Papers Considered SIC [42] 78 and 87
20th Meeting 24.6.1942
Subjects Discussed: Nuffield College Social Reconstruction Survey
Evidence on behalf of:
21st Meeting 24.6.1942
Subjects Discussed:
1. General Burden of Proposals
Papers Considered SIC [42] 76
2. Family Allowances
3. Variation of Contributions
4. Employers Contribution
22nd Meeting: Part I 7.7.1942
Subjects Discussed: Evidence of the Federation Committee of the
English, Scottish and Welsh Associations of insurance Committees
22nd Meeting: Part II 7.7.1942
Subjects Discussed: Central Council for the Care of Cripples.
Evidence by Dr D R Jones and Miss M Drury on behalf of: the
Verbatum Report on:
23rd Meeting: Part I 7.7.1942
Subjects Discussed: County Associations for the Blind. Evidence
by Representatives of: Verbatum Report on:
23rd Meeting: Part II 7.7.1942
Subjects Discussed: Scottish Home Teachers, College of Teachers,
National Federation for the Welfare of the Blind. Evidence by
Representatives of: Verbatum Report on:
23rd Meeting: Part III 7.7.1942
Subjects Discussed: National Institute for the Blind. Evidence by
Representatives of: Verbatum Report on:
24thMeeting - 8.7.1942
Subjects Discussed: Evidence given by the Royal College of
Nursing, British Dental Association, Queens Institute of
District Nursing
25th Meeting: Part I 8.7.1942
Subjects Discussed: Evidence given by Medical Director, Sheffield
Radium Centre
25th Meeting: Part II 23.9.1942
Subjects Discussed: Evidence given by Messrs I Andrews, L Edwards,
J G Jones, G W Lilburn and Dr A G Wells on behalf of the National
Institute for the Deaf
26th Meeting: Part I 28.7.1942
Subjects Discussed: Evidence given by Messrs W A Robson, W B
Reddaway and Mrs Joan S Clarke on behalf of the Fabian Society
26th Meeting: Part II 28.7.1942
Subjects Discussed: Evidence given by Messrs Brockelbank and
Goldingham on behalf of Mutual Insurance Companies Association
27th Meeting 28.7.1942
Subjects Discussed: Benefit Rates and Rent
Papers Considered SIC [42] 15
28th Meeting 29.7.1942
Subjects Discussed: Evidence on behalf of the County Councils
Association given by Dr E W Maples, Sir Robert Doncaster, Mr J
Mess and Mr L Richmond
29th Meeting 29.7.1942
Subjects Discussed: Evidence on behalf of the Association of
Municipal Corporations
30th Meeting 30.7.1942
Subjects Discussed: Evidence on behalf of the London County
Council given by Lord Latham, Mr E C H Salmon, Mr E C Bligh, Dr
Daley and Mr Branscombe
31st Meeting 31.7.1942
Subjects Discussed: Evidence on behalf of the Association of
County Councils in Scotland given by Sir George Cameron of
Lochiel, Mr George McLaren, Mr A A Templeton, Mr J M Mitchell, Mr
W C Dundas
32nd Meeting: Part I 25.8.1942
Subjects Discussed: Evidence on behalf of the National
Association of Local Government Offices
32nd Meeting: Part II 25.8.1942
Subjects Discussed: Evidence on behalf of the Standing Joint
Advisory Committee
32nd Meeting: Part III 25.8.1942
Subjects Discussed: Evidence of the Incorporated Dental Society
33rd Meeting 25.8.1942
Subjects Discussed: Subsistence Needs and Benefit Rats
Papers Considered SIC [42] 133
2. Old Age
Papers Considered SIC [42] 136
34th Meeting 26.8.1942
Subjects Discussed: Prudential Assurance Co Ltd. Evidence on
behalf of:
35th Meeting 26.8.1942
Subjects Discussed: Industrial Life Offices Association.
Evidence on behalf of:
36th Meeting: Part I 31.8.1942
Subjects Discussed: Aberdeen. Corporation of: Evidence on behalf
36th Meeting: Part II 31.8.1942
Subjects Discussed: Dundee. Corporation of: Evidence on behalf of:
36th Meeting: Part III 31.8.1942
Subjects Discussed: Edinburgh. Corporation of: Evidence on behalf
36th Meeting: Part IV 31.8.1942
Subjects Discussed: Glasgow. Corporation of: Evidence on behalf
37th Meeting 23.9.1942
Subjects Discussed: 1. Dr Steins Proposals
Papers Considered SIC [42] 151
2. End of Marriage by Widowhood
Papers Considered SIC [42] 153
3. Rehabilitation
4. Partial Incapacity Pension and Other Benefits
5. Industrial Pensions and War Disability Pensions
Papers Considered SIC [42] 154
6. War Disablement Pensions and Social Security Benefits
7. Ministry of Pensions
8. Problem of Alternative Remedies
Papers Considered SIC [42] 157
9. Separated or Deserted Wife
10. Use of Term Adult Independent
11. Rates of Benefit for Housewives Gainfully Occupied
12. Fixed or Fluid Benefit Year
13. Contribution Rates for Juveniles
Papers Considered SIC [42] 155
14. Other Questions
15. Future Programme
38th Meeting: Part I 8.10.1942
Subjects Discussed: Evidence on behalf of the Insurance
Unemployment Board
38th Meeting: Part II No documents
CAB 87/79 (continued): Social Insurance and
Allied Services Series SIC [41]
Minutes and Memoranda of the Beveridge Committee, 1942
Papers 1-37
ff 1-240
Memoranda: Papers 1-37
1/3.1.42: Social Insurance. Resolutions submitted to the
2/3.1.42: Trade Union Congress. Memo submitted by:
3/16.1.42: Social Insurance Benefits. Scale of. And the Problem
of Poverty. Memo by the Chairman
4/17.1.42: National Association of Relieving Officers. Memo
submitted by:
5/19.1.42: London Old Age Pensions Committee. Memo submitted by:
6/4.1.41 (Rev): Some Principal Questions. Note by Secretary
circulating Note by Chairman on:
7/28.1.42: Charity Organisation Society. Memo prepared by Special
Committee on Social Reconstruction with regard to Compulsory
Social Insurance
8/28.1.42: Family Allowances. Note by Secretary circulating Draft
White Paper
9/28.1.42: National Federation of Professional Workers. Memoranda
submitted by: Review of Social Insurance Services. Employment
Exchanges. Suggestions Concerning Future of, (particularly in so
far as they concern the Non-Manual Workers).
10/30.1.42: Departmental Representatives. Future Position: letter
dated 27.1.42 from Minister without Portfolio to Chairman
11/4.2.42: Future Procedure. Note by Chairman
12/6.2.42: Midland Employers Mutual Assurance Ltd. Memo of
Evidence submitted by:
13/6.2.42: National Conference of Friendly Societies. Memo
submitted by:
14/7.2.42: Workmens Compensation. Note by Chairman on the
Evidence of the Accident Offices Association to the Royal
Commission on: Note by Secretary circulating:
15/10.2.42: British Dental Association. Memo presented by:
16/10.2.42: National Council of Women of Great Britain. Memo
presented by:
17/12.2.42: Supplementary Pensions. Sample Inquiry Into: Made by
the Assistance Board
18/12.2.42: Scottish Association of Friendly and Approved
Societies. Memo submitted by:
19/18.2.42: Parliamentary Committee of the Co-operative Congress.
Memo submitted by:
20/10.3.42: Income Limit. Problem of: Memo by Chairman
21/16.3.42: National Spinsters Pensions Association. Memo by
22/17.3.42: Contribution Qualifications and Valuation of Benefit.
Memo by Chairman
23/20.3.42: National Conference of Industrial Assurance Approved
Societies. Memo submitted by:
24/27.3.42: United Womens Insurance Society. Memo submitted
25/4.4.42: National Council of Social Service. Memo submitted by:
26/5.4.42: Accident Offices Association. Memo submitted by:
27/5.4.42: Trades Union congress. Replies to Questions submitted
by Sir William Beveridge:
28: Missing?
29/3.4.42: National Conference of Friendly Societies.
Confidential Minutes of Informal Meeting, held 24.3.42
30/14.4.42: Opthalmic Benefit Approved Committee. Memo submitted
31/17.4.42: Retirement Pensions. Practicability of Enforcing
Conditions. Memo by Mr Y P Blundun (Ministry of Labour)
32/17.4.42: Scottish Miners Federation Approved Society.
Memo submitted by:
33/22.4.42: Chairmans Draft Proposals. Finance of:
34/22.4.42: National Federation of Professional Workers. Chart
submitted by:
35/24.4.42: National Federation of Old Age Pensions Allocations.
Memo submitted by:
36/24.4.42: Retirement Pensions. Note by Mr E Hale, Treasury
37/24.4.42: National Federation of Employers Approved
Societies. Memo submitted by:
CAB 87/79: Social Insurance and Allied Services Series SIC p41[
Minutes and Memoranda of the Beveridge Committee, 1942
Papers 38-56
ff 241-408
Memoranda: Papers 38-56
38/26.4.42: National Conference of Friendly Societies. Memo by:
39/28.4.42: International Labour Office. Memoranda submitted by:
40/6.5.42: Post War Services. Evidence submitted by The Shipping
Federation and the Liverpool Steam Ship Owners Association
41/6.5.42: Queens Institute of District Nursing. Memo
submitted by:
42/6.5.42: Family Endowment Society. Memo submitted by:
43/9.5.42: National Labour Organisation. Memo of Evidence
submitted by:
44/9.5.42: National Federation of Old Age Pensions Associations.
Note by Sir George Reid covering letter dated 11.4.42 from Dr J J
Mallon commenting on SIC [42] 35
45/9.5.42: Lloyds. Letter from Chairman of:
46/9.5.42: National Council of Women of Great Britain. Letter
from: dated 5.5.42
47/9.5.42: International Labour Office. Supplementary memo
48/11.5.42: US General Administration of Employment Service and
Unemployment Compensation Programmes in the US. Note by
International Labour Office
49/13.5.42: British Employers Confederation. Memo submitted
50/19.5.42: Mutual Insurance Companies Association. Memo of
Evidence submitted by:
51/20.5.42: Unemployment Insurance Statutory Committee. Waiting
Time. Report on:
52/27.5.42: Friendly Societies Medical Allowance. Memo
submitted by:
53/27.5.42: Pharmaceutical Society and National Pharmaceutical
Union. Joint Memo submitted by:
54/28.5.42: Administration. Sub-committee on: Report of:
55/29.5.42: Benefit Rates and Subsistence Needs. Note by Chairman
56/30.5.42: National Federation of Rural Approved Societies. Memo
submitted by:
CAB 87/80: Social Insurance and Allied
Services Series SIC [41]
Minutes and Memoranda of the Beveridge Committee, 1942
Papers 57-99
ff 1-405
Memoranda: Papers 57-99
57/30.5.42: Industrial Life Offices Association. Memo
submitted by:
58/30.5.42: National Institute for the Deaf. Memo submitted by:
59/30.5.42: Prudential Assurance Co Ltd. Memo submitted by:
60/1.6.42: Administration. Report of Sub-Committee on: Note by
61/2.6.42: Royal College of Nursing. Memo submitted by:
62/3.6.42: War Service Grants. Incomes, Rents and insurance
Payments of Applicants for: Memo by Central Statistical Office
63/3.6.42: National Union of Railwaymen. Memo submitted by:
64/5.6.42: National Health Insurance. Memo by Nuffield College
Social Reconstruction Survey
65/4.6.42: P E P (Political and Economic Planning). Memo
submitted by:
66/7.6.42: Federation of Master Cotton Spinners Association
Ltd. Memo submitted by:
67/11.6.42: National Conference of Friendly Societies.
Correspondence between Chairman and:
68/10.6.42: National Institute for the Blind. Memoranda submitted
69/11.6.42: National Federation of Provident Associations of
Clerks and Warehousemen. Memo submitted by:
70/11.6.42: South Metropolitan Gas Company. Memo submitted by:
71/13.6.42: Central Council for the Care of Cripples. Memo
submitted by:
72/15.6.42: Aggregate Income and Expenditure Under Present and
Proposed Schemes of Social Insurance. Memo by Government Actuary.
73/16.6.42: Transition Problems. Extract from Draft Heads of
Social Security Scheme.
74/16.6.42: Benefit and Pension Rates. Basis of: Extract from
Draft Heads of Social Security Scheme
75/16.6.42: Workmens Compensation. Representations received
from British Iron and Steel Federation, Engineering and Allied
Employers National Federation, Shipbuilding Employers Federation
76/16.6.42: Economic Aspects of the Proposed Reforms of Social
Security. Memo by Economic Section of the War Cabinet Secretariat
77/18.6.42: Principal Changes Recommended. Extract from Draft of
the Chairmans Report
78/19.6.42: Workmens Compensation and Voluntary Insurance
for Health and Pensions. Note by Chairman
79/19.6.42: National Association of Local Government Offices.
Memo submitted by:
80/19.6.42: Parliamentary Committee of the Co-operative Congress.
Memo submitted by:
81/19.6.42: Pensions. Memo by Nuffield College Social
Reconstruction Survey
82/19.6.42: Assistance Board. Memo by Nuffield College Social
Reconstruction Survey
83/19.6.42: Public Assistance. Memo by Nuffield College Social
Reconstruction Survey
84/22.6.42: Workmens Compensation. Memo submitted by
Nuffield College Social Reconstruction Survey
85/23.6.42: Nuffield College Social Reconstruction Survey.
Summary of Conclusions and Recommendations
86/20.6.42: Banking Unemployment Insurance Board. Memo submitted
87/22.6.42: Workmens Compensation in Relation to a General
Social Security Scheme. Notes by Government Actuary
88/26.6.42: Railway Clerks Association. Memo of Evidence
submitted by:
89/26.6.42: Cotton Spinners and Manufacturers Association. Statement of Evidence submitted by: 26.6.42: Summary
of Existing Schemes. Revised up to January 1942
90/27.6.42: National Conference of Industrial Assurance Approved
91/27.6.42: Welfare of the Blind. Two Memos submitted by the Four
Regional Bodies in England and Wales
92/29.6.42: Blind Persons Pension. Memo submitted by a Deputation
and Note by Department of Health for Scotland
93/1.7.42: Insurance Committees. Evidence submitted by:
94/1.7.42: Workshops for the Blind. Memo submitted by the
National Association of Workshops for the Blind
95/1.7.42: National Health Insurance Scheme. Schemes of
Additional Benefits Under: Note by Government Actuary
96/2.7.42: Periodic Medical Examination. Memo by Dr Frank Ellis L
Medical Director), Sheffield Radium, Centre
97/4.7.42: Liberal Parliamentary Party. Report by Committee on
Social Insurance and Allied Services of:
98/4.7.42: National Union of Teachers. Memo of Evidence submitted
99/4.7.42: Fabian Society. Memo of Evidence submitted by:
CAB 87/81: Social Insurance and Allied Services Series SIC [41]
Minutes and Memoranda of the Beveridge Committee, 1942
Papers 100-129
ff 1-348
Memoranda: Papers 100-129
100/10.7.42: A Report by Sir William Beveridge. Covering Notes to
First Draft of:
101/13.7.42: Public Dental Service Association. Memo submitted by:
102/13.7.42: Incorporated Dental Society. Memo submitted by:
103/13.7.42: Guild of British Dispensing Opticians. Memo
submitted by:
104/13.7.42: Royal Seamans Pension Fund. Memo submitted by
Governing Body of:
105/15.7.42: National Union of Holloway Friendly Societies
106/17.7.42: Superannuation and Pension Funds. Memo concerned
with operation of:
107/17.7.42: Pedestrians Association. Memo submitted by:
108/17.7.42: Mining Association. Memo Describing the Main
Features of the Mine Owners Mutual Indemnity Schemes, prepared by:
109/17.7.42: Insurance Unemployment Board. Memo submitted by:
110/20.7.42: War Disablement Pensions for: Letter and Memo by Sir
Ian Fraser MP and Chairmans Reply
111/20.7.42: Convention of Royal Burghs. Public Assistance, Blind
Persons and Old Persons. Question on:
112/20.7.42: Health and War Workers. Memo by Department of Health
for Scotland
113/20.7.42: Local Government Clerks Association. Memo by
Evidence submitted by:
114/20.7.42: Nuffield College Social Reconstruction Survey. Memo
by the Department of Health for Scotland
115/23.7.42: Rent. Possible Variations of Benefit Rates for: Memo
by Chairman
116/24.7.42: County Councils Association. Memo submitted by:
117/24.7.42: Scotland. Association of County Councils in: Memo
submitted by:
118/24.7.42: London County Council. Memo of Evidence submitted by:
119/24.7.42: Municipal Corporations. Association of: Documents
submitted by:
120/25.7.42: Public Assistance Cases. Analysis of: Memo by
121/27.7.42: National Association of Local Government Officers.
Memo submitted by:
122/ 1.8.42: Assistance Board Impartial Whitley Council (Staff
Side). Memo of Evidence submitted by:
123/1.8.42: Trades Union Congress. List of Replies to Questions
Arising from Meeting of the Committee on 6.5.42
124/1.8.42: Life Offices Association. Name submitted by:
125/1.8.42: National Association of Relieving Officers. Memo
submitted by:
126/1.8.42: National Association of Administrators of Local
Government Establishments. Memo prepared by:
127/1.8.42: National Council of Social Service (Unemployment
Committee). Memo prepared by:
128/5.8.42: Mining Association. Letter from Mr WA Lee, Director
of the Mining Association of Great Britain dated 31.7.42
129/5.8.42: Association of Deposit Societies. Letter from: dated
CAB 87/82: Social Insurance and Allied
Services Series SIC [41]
Minutes and Memoranda of the Beveridge Committee, 1942
Papers 130-172
ff 1-251
Memoranda: Papers 130-172
130/15.8.42: National Welfare Association. Memo submitted by:
131/15.8.42: Sight Testing Opticians on the List of the Opthalmic
Benefit Approved Committee. Memo submitted by:
132/20.8.42: Industrial Assurance. Memo by the Chairman
133/18.8.42: Subsistence Needs and Benefit Rates. Memo by
Chairman in consultation with a Sub-Committee
134/18.8.42: Chairmans Report. First Draft: New Part IV.
Note by Chairman
135/22.8.42: Glasgow. Corporation of the City of: Memo submitted
136/20.8.42: Problem of Age. Memo by Chairman
137/19.8.42: Finance of the Proposals in the Chairmans
Draft Report. Memo by Government Actuary
138/20.8.42: Industrial Assurance. Questions
139/20.8.42: Industrial Life Offices Association. Replies
to SIC [42[ 138
140/20.8.42: Prudential Assurance Co Ltd. Replies to SIC [42] 138
141/21.8.42: Scottish Workers Approved Rural Society. Memo
submitted by:
142/22.8.42: Educational Institute of Scotland. Memo submitted by:
143/22.8.42: Administrative Costs of Various Forms of Insurance.
Memo by Chairman
144/22.8.42: Corporation of Edinburgh. Memo submitted by
145/22.8.42: Agricultural Unemployment Insurance Scheme. Report
of the Committee on:
146/24.8.42: City of Aberdeen. Memo submitted by:
147/24.8.42: National Conference of Friendly Societies. Memo
submitted by:
148/25.8.42: City and Royal Burgh of Dundee. Memo submitted by:
149/27.8.42: Fabian Society. Supplementary Memo by: on Rents and
Deferred Pensions
150/28.8.42: Joint University Council for Social Studies and
Public Administration. Memo submitted by:
151/14.9.42: Simplification of Social Security Plan, Suggestions
for: Memo by Dr O Stein (International Labour Office)
152/15.9.42: Scotland. Society of Public Assistance Officials of:
Memo submitted by:
153/16.9.42: End of Marriage by Widowhood. Memo by Miss M S Cox (Ministry
of Pensions)
154/19.9.42: Compensation for Disablement. Letter and Memo from
Miss Cox (Ministry of Pensions) to Chairman. Note by Secretary
155/19.9.42: Contribution Rates for Juveniles. Copy of a Letter
from the Government Actuary to the Chairman dated 17.9.42
156/19.9.42: National Association of Local Government Officers.
Memo submitted by:
157/21.9.42: The Problem of Alternative Remedies. Draft of
Section 4 of Part II of Sir William Beveridges Report. Note
by Secretary circulating:
158/26.9.42: Friendly Societies. National Conference of: Letter
to Sir William Beveridge, dated 16.9.42, from Secretary, National
Conference of Friendly Societies
159/26.9.42: Trade Mutual Insurance Societies. The Association of:
Memo submitted by:
160/26.9.42: Railway Companies Association. Memo submitted by
161/30.9.42: Dominion and Foreign Schemes. Comparison with Other
Countries. Appendix E to Draft Report.
162/2.10.42: Industrial Life Offices Association. Supplementary
Memo in Support of Retention of the Approved Society System
163/7.10.42: Social Insurance and Allied Services. Development of:
Memo prepared for inclusion with Appendix B to Report
164/10.10.42: Social Workers, Trained. Use of the Statutory
Social Insurance and Assistance Services. Memo by the British
Federation of Social Workers
165/10.10.42: Insurance Unions Joint Consultative Committee.
Memo submitted by:
166/10.10.42: Finance Proposals for: Note by the Government
167/13.10.42: The National League of the Blind. Memo by: on
Social Insurance and Allied Services
168/13.10.42: Charity Organisation Society. (Training in Social
Work.) Memo on Social Insurance and Allied Services
169/29.10.42: Social Insurance and Allied Services. Application
of New Scales to Existing Cases. Draft suggested for inclusion in
Part V at end of Section Dealing with Benefits and Insurance
Payments. Note by Chairman circulating:
170/29.10.42: Compensation. Problem of: Note by Chairman
171/9.12.42: Railway Companies Association. Superannuation
Arrangements. Note by Secretary circulating a Memo, covering:
172/9.12.42: Insurance Committees. Note by Secretary, Evidence
submitted by:
Composition of the Committee at the 1st
Meeting of 1941
MR E HALE: Treasury
MR P Y BLUNDUN: Ministry of Labour and National Service
MISS M RITSON: Department of Health for Scotland
MR G S W EPPS: Government Actuary
SIR WILFRED BADY: Board of customs and Excise
MRS M A HAMILTON: Office of the Minister without Portfolio
MR R HAMILTON FARRELL: Ministry of Health
MR G T REID: Assistance Board
MR B K WHITE: Registry of Friendly Societies
MR D N CHESTER: Secretary
Composition of the Committee at the 1st
Meeting of 1942
MR E HALE: Treasury
MR P Y BLUNDUN: Ministry of Labour and National Service
MISS M RITSON: Department of Health for Scotland
SIR GEORGE REID: Assistance Board
MRS M A HAMILTON: Offices of the Minister without Portfolio
MR R HAMILTON FARRELL: Ministry of Health
MR G S W EPPS: Government Actuary
MR B K WHITE: Registry of Friendly Societies
MR D N CHESTER: Secretary
Representatives of the Trades Union Congress (For item [4] only)
Composition of the Committee at the 16th
Meeting of 1942
MR P Y BLUNDUN: Ministry of Labour and National Service
MISS M RITSON: Department of Health for Scotland
MISS M S COX: Ministry of Pensions
SIR GEORGE REID: Assistance Board
MRS M A HAMILTON: Offices of the Minister without Portfolio
MR A W McKENZIE: Board of Customs and Excise
MR R HAMILTON FARRELL: Ministry of Health
SIR GEORGE EPPS: Government Actuary
MR B K WHITE: Registry of Friendly Societies
MR D N CHESTER: Secretary
Representatives of the Trades Union Congress (For item [4] only)
PIN 8/1-11: Social Insurance and Allied Services (The Beveridge
Central Staff of the Cabinet Committee on Reconstruction.
Correspondence and Papers Relating to the Consideration and
Planning of Administrative Machinery to Implement the Findings of
the Beveridge Report. 1943.
1. Weekly Meetings of the Central Staff: Minutes ff 1-59
2. Weekly Meetings of the Central Staff: Memoranda ff 1-93
3. The Treatment of Rent ff 1-113
4. Local Administration of Social Security ff 1-119
5. Social Insurance: Proposed Establishment of a Statutory
Committee ff 1-76
6. Setting up of the Ministry of Social Security ff 1-29
7. Beveridge Report: Deputation from the General Council of the
Trades Union Congress ff 1-136
8. Beveridge Plan: Effect on the Merchant Navy ff 1-77
9. Monthly Progress Reports ff 1-94
10. Ministry of Social Security: Proposed Lay Out ff 1-11
11. The Future of Voluntary Sickness Insurance ff 1-46
PIN 8/12-18: Social Insurance and Allied Services (The
Beveridge Report)
Central Staff of the Cabinet Committee on Reconstruction.
Correspondence and Papers Relating to the Consideration and
Planning of Administrative Machinery to Implement the Findings of
the Beveridge Report. 1943.
12. Transfer of Outdoor Relief and the Allocation of the Other
Functions of Public Assistance Authorities ff 1-94
13. Meetings of Departmental Representatives ff 1-42
14. Sickness and Disablement Benefits: transitional Arrangements
ff 1-34
15. Assimilation of Conditions for Unemployment and Disability
Benefit ff 1-216
16. The Beveridge Report: Family Endowment Society ff 1-51
17. Workmens Compensation ff 1-117
18. Workmens Compensation Advisory Committee ff 1-121
PIN 8/19-24: Social Insurance and Allied Services (The
Beveridge Report)
Central Staff of the Cabinet Committee on Reconstruction.
Correspondence and Papers Relating to the Consideration and
Planning of Administrative Machinery to Implement the Findings of
the Beveridge Report. 1943.
19. Workmens Compensation: Home Office Draft White Paper.
Circulation of First Draft to the Reconstruction Committee ff 1-374
20. Workmens Compensation: Appeals Procedure ff 1-20
21. Workmens Compensation: Home Office Draft White Paper:
Consideration of Sub-Committee of the Reconstruction Committee ff
22. Workmens Compensation: Home Office Draft White Paper:
Consideration of Sub-Committees Report and Circulation of
Galley Proof ff 1-119
23. Beveridge Proposals: Deputations by the Association of
British Chamber of Commerce ff 1-45
24. Beveridge Proposals: Deputations by Retail Trade and Kindred
Organisations Committee on Social Insurance ff 1-140
PIN 8/25-37: Social Insurance and Allied Services (The
Beveridge Report)
Central Staff of the Cabinet Committee on Reconstruction.
Correspondence and Papers Relating to the Consideration and
Planning of Administrative Machinery to Implement the Findings of
the Beveridge Report. 1943-1944.
25. The Nurses Insurance Society and the Position of Nurses under
the Beveridge Scheme ff 1-49
26. Widows Benefits ff 1-129
27. Insurance of Officers and Other Ranks in H M Forces ff 1-30
28. Memorandum on the Beveridge Report by the Association of
Trade Mutual Insurance Societies ff 1-11
29. Class II: Withholding of Disability Benefit for First 13
Weeks of Sickness ff 1-167
30. Social Insurance Fund ff 1-20
31. Vesting Rights ff 1-22
32. Social Insurance Contributions ff 1-22
33. Classification and Transfers between Classes ff 1-48
34. Complication and Maintenance of Register of Insured Persons
ff 1-35
35. Agency Arrangements for Disability Benefit ff 1-26
36. Plans for the Transition Period ff 1-36
37. Approved Society Organisations in Conference. (The Beveridge
Report) ff 11-45
PIN 8/38-48: Social Insurance and Allied Services (The
Beveridge Report)
Central Staff of the Cabinet Committee on Reconstruction.
Correspondence and Papers Relating to the Consideration and
Planning of Administrative Machinery to Implement the Findings of
the Beveridge Report. 1943-1944
38. White Paper on the Beveridge Report.: Memorandum by the
Government Actuary ff 1-98
39. Collection of Statistics under the Social Security Scheme ff
40. National Deposit (Approved) Friendly Society: Summary of
Methods and Machinery of Organisation ff 1-18
41. Industrial Life Offices Association ff 1-25
42. National Health Service. Payments by Patients in Hospital:
Memorandum by Ministry of Health ff 1-23
43. Mr D N Chesters Notes on Social Insurance and
Assistance: Draft White Paper ff 1-12
44. A Report on Industrial Assurances, Approved Societies and
Death Grant by Members of the Tory Reform Committee ff 1-58
45. Scheme for Simplification of Social Insurance by Lady Rhys
Williams ff 1-58
46. Introduction of the Social Security Scheme by Stages ff 1-15
47. Report by the Herring Industry Committee ff 1-63
48. Deputation to Discuss the Position of Married Women under the
Beveridge Proposals ff 1-47
PIN 8/49-62: Social Insurance and Allied Services (The
Beveridge Report)
Central Staff of the Cabinet Committee on Reconstruction.
Correspondence and Papers Relating to the Consideration and
Planning of Administrative Machinery to Implement the Findings of
the Beveridge Report. 1944-1945.
49. Social Insurance Legislation: Time-Table and Machinery ff 1-100
50. The Prudential Assurance Company Offer of Assistance in
Connection with Death Grant or Approved Societies ff 1-57
51. Enforcement of Payment of Contributions ff 1-9
52. Treatment of the Blind ff 1-161
53. National League of the Blind. Treatment of Blind Persons
under the National Insurance Proposals. Proposed Deputation with
the Minister of National Insurance ff 1-80
54. Position of Prisoners under the New Scheme of Social
Insurance ff 1-18
55. The Proposed Appointment of a New Minister to Deal with
Social Insurance ff 1-19
56. Persons of Unsound Mind: Benefits and Pensions ff 1-10
57. Rounding up of Contributions ff 1-23
58. Finance of Maternity Benefits ff 1-18
59. Comparison of the Cost of the Governments Proposals
with the Beveridge Plan ff 1-21
60. Miscellaneous Outstanding Points on the White Paper ff 1-52
61. War Pensions: Draft White Paper ff 1-25
62. Resolutions and Correspondence from Friendly Societies on the
White Paper on Social Insurance ff 1-267
PIN 8/63-72: Social Insurance and Allied Services (The
Beveridge Report)
Central Staff of the Cabinet Committee on Reconstruction.
Correspondence and Papers Relating to the Consideration and
Planning of Administrative Machinery to Implement the Findings of
the Beveridge Report. 1944-1945.
63. Resolutions and Correspondence from Insurance Companies and
Associations on the White Paper on Social Insurance ff 1-74
64. Resolutions and Correspondence received from Old Age
Pensioners Associations ff 1-55
65. Resolutions and Correspondence received from Women's
Organisations ff 1-69
66. Deputations on the Social Insurance White Paper: Married
Women's Association ff 1-29
67. Deputations on the Social Insurance White Paper: National
Conference of Friendly Societies ff 1-55
68. Deputations on the Social Insurance White Paper: Family
Endowment Society ff 1-26
69. Deputations on the Social Insurance White Paper: National
Spinsters Association ff 1-68
70. Deputations on the Social Insurance White Paper: National
Federation of Old Age Pensioners Associations ff 1-86
71. National Conference of Industrial Assurance Approved
Societies: Deputation with the Minister of National Insurance to
Discuss the Future use of Approved Societies in the
Administration of the National Insurance Scheme ff 1-39
72. Trades Union Congress: Deputation with the Minister of
National Insurance on the Workmens Compensation Proposals
ff 1-144
PIN 8/73-74: Social Insurance and Allied Services (The
Beveridge Report)
Central Staff of the Cabinet Committee on Reconstruction.
Correspondence and Papers Relating to the Consideration and
Planning of Administrative Machinery to Implement the Findings of
the Beveridge Report. 1944-1945.
73. National Conference of Industrial Assurance Approved
Societies: Deputation to the Minister of National Insurance on
the Death Grant Proposals in the National Insurance Scheme ff 1-66
74. Captain L D Gammans, MP: Deputation to the Minister of
National Insurance on the position of Independent Retail Trades
under the National Insurance Scheme ff 1-50
PIN 8/75-76
75. Proposed Deputation from the South Wales Miners Federation about Examination and Certification by the Medical
Board of Coal Miners suffering from Pneumoconiosis ff 1-45
76. Deputations since the Publication of the White Paper: Retail
Trade and Kindred Organisations Committee on Social Insurance ff
PIN 8/77-79: Social Insurance and Allied
Services (The Beveridge Report)
Central Staff of the Cabinet Committee on Reconstruction.
Correspondence and Papers Relating to the Consideration and
Planning of Administrative Machinery to Implement the Findings of
the Beveridge Report. 1944-1945.
77. Compensation for Officers of Approved Societies and
industrial Insurance Companies ff 1-114
78. Arrangements for House of Commons Debates on the White Paper
on Social Insurance ff 1-207
79. Debates on the White Paper on Social Insurance: Supplementary
Notes for the Minister ff 1-65
PIN 8/80
80. Officially missing.
PIN 8/81-84: Social Insurance and Allied
Services (The Beveridge Report)
Central Staff of the Cabinet Committee on Reconstruction.
Correspondence and Papers Relating to the Consideration and
Planning of Administrative Machinery to Implement the Findings of
the Beveridge Report. 1944-1945.
81. Special Voluntary Contributions ff 1-15
82. Order in Council Transferring Certain Functions of the
Minister of Health to the Minister of National Insurance ff 1-49
83. Position of Scotland under the New National Insurance
Proposals ff 1-9
84. The Cost of the Social Insurance Proposals ff 1-35
PIN 8/85-86: Ministry of National Insurance
Files. 1941-1942.
85. National Insurance and Pensions Schemes: Departmental
Committee on the Survey of Existing National Schemes of Social
Insurance and Allied Services. Terms of Reference 1941 ff 1-50
86. Beveridge Committee: Administration Sub-committee Report.
Note by the Chairman ff 1-126
PIN 8/87-90: Ministry of Health Files (Later Incorporated
into the Ministry of National Insurance Files) Relating to Social
Insurance and Allied Services and Departmental Representation on
the Beveridge Committee, including the First Draft of the
Beveridge Committee Report. 1942-1943.
87. First Draft of the Beveridge Committee Report ff 1-503
88. The Beveridge Committee: Memoranda and Evidence (Friendly and
Approved Societies) ff 1-119
89. The Beveridge Committee: Industrial Assurance Societys
Memoranda and Evidence ff 1-71
90. The Beveridge Committee: Association of Approved Societies
Memoranda and Evidence ff 1-40
PIN 8/91-98: Ministry of Health Files (Later Incorporated
into the Ministry of National Insurance Files) Relating to Social
Insurance and Allied Services and Departmental Representation on
the Beveridge Committee, including the First Draft of the
Beveridge Committee Report. 1943.
91. The Beveridge Report: Deputations ff 1-324
92. The Beveridge Report: Miscellaneous Correspondence re:
Deputations, Industrial Life Offices Association and
Prudential Assurance Co ff 1-30
93. The Beveridge Report. Deputations to the Minister: The
Industrial Life Offices Association ff 1-40
94. The Beveridge Report. Deputations to the Minister: Prudential
Insurance Company ff 1-35
95. The Beveridge Report. Miscellaneous Correspondence re:
Deputations and Resolutions: Friendly Societies ff 1-139
96. The Beveridge Report. Deputations to the Minister: The
National Conference of Industrial Assurance Approved Societies ff
97. The Beveridge Report. Deputations to the Minister:
Association of Approved Societies. ff 1-30
98. The Beveridge Report. Deputations to the Minister: National
Conference of Friendly Societies ff 1-92
PIN 8/99-102: Ministry of Health Files (Later Incorporated
into the Ministry of National Insurance Files) Relating to Social
Insurance and Allied Services and Departmental Representation on
the Beveridge Committee, including the First Draft of the
Beveridge Committee Report. 1943.
99. The Beveridge Report. Deputations to the Minister: National
Union of Holloway Friendly Societies ff 1-11
100. The Beveridge Report. Deputations to the Minister: National
Deposit Friendly Societies ff 1-65
101. The Beveridge Report. Disability Benefit: Abuses, Duration,
Qualifying Conditions, Fixed or Fluid Benefit Year ff 1-311
102. Consideration of The Beveridge Report. Agency Arrangements
of Payment of Disability Benefit ff 1-418
PIN 8/103-107: Ministry of Health Files (Later Incorporated
into the Ministry of National Insurance Files) Relating to Social
Insurance and Allied Services and Departmental Representation on
the Beveridge Committee, including the First Draft of the
Beveridge Committee Report. 1943.
103. The Beveridge Report. Assimilation of Disability Benefit and
Unemployment Insurance Benefit ff 1-403
104. The Beveridge Report. Disability Benefit: First 13 Weeks of
Incapacity in the Case of Class II ff 1-159
105. The Beveridge Report. Whether Benefit and Assistance should,
in management, by Associated or Divorced ff 1-26
106. The Beveridge Report. Sick Visitors Functions ff 1-69
107. The Beveridge Report. Persons in Remote Place. Payment of
Benefit ff 1-155
PIN 8/108-110: Ministry of Health Files (Later Incorporated
into the Ministry of National Insurance Files) Relating to Social
Insurance and Allied Services and Departmental Representation on
the Beveridge Committee, including the First Draft of the
Beveridge Committee Report. 1943-1944.
108. Widows Benefit: Guardian Benefit and Widows Pensions:
Qualifying Conditions ff 1-177
109. The Beveridge Report: Widows Pensions: Childless
Widows ff 1-293
110. The Beveridge Report: Position of Widows over 60 ff 1-186
PIN 8/111-114: Ministry of Health Files (Later Incorporated
into the Ministry of National Insurance Files) Relating to Social
Insurance and Allied Services and Departmental Representation on
the Beveridge Committee, including the First Draft of the
Beveridge Committee Report. 1943-1944.
111. The Beveridge Report: Register of Insured Population:
Classification and Transfer ff 1-179
112. The Beveridge Report: Register of Insured Population: Nurses
ff 1-61
113. The Beveridge Report: Contributions and Contribution Year ff
114. The Beveridge Report: Juveniles ff 1-59
PIN 8/115-116: Papers of the Phillips Committee, December
1942 - January 1943
115. Minutes and Report ff 1-64
116.Circulated Papers ff 1-68
PIN 8/117-118: Ministry of Health Files (Later Incorporated
into the Ministry of National Insurance Files) Relating to Social
Insurance and Allied Services and Departmental Representation on
the Beveridge Committee. 1943-1944.
117. the Beveridge Report. Joint Retirement Pensions ff 1-271
118. The Beveridge Report. Pensions: Qualifying Conditions for
Retirement Pensions ff 1-239
PIN 8/119/126: Ministry of Health Files (Later Incorporated
into the Ministry of National Insurance Files) Relating to Social
Insurance and Allied Services and Departmental Representation on
the Beveridge Committee. 1943-1944.
119. The Beveridge Report: Machinery for Applying the Retirement
Conditions for Old Age Pensions ff 1-261
120. The Beveridge Report: Modified Pensions and Lapsed Rights ff
121. Retirement Pensions: Non Gainfully Occupied Married Women as
Class IV Contributors ff 1-80
122. The Beveridge Report: Allocation of subjects: Provisions ff
123. The Beveridge Report: Progress Reports: Inter-departmental
Committee ff 1-54
124. The Beveridge Report: Arrangements with GPO ff 1-15
125. The Beveridge Report: Insurance of Officers in HM Forces ff
126. The Beveridge Report: Insurance of Men in Mercantile Marine
ff 1-178
PIN 8/127-136: Ministry of Health Files (Later Incorporated
into the Ministry of National Insurance Files) Relating to Social
Insurance and Allied Services and Departmental Representation on
the Beveridge Committee. 1943-1944.
127. The Beveridge Report: (a) Maternity Benefit (b) Joint
Disability and Unemployment Benefit where the Wife is Gainfully
Occupied ff 1-11
128. Maternity Benefit: Attendants Allowance ff 1-16
129. The Beveridge Report: Social Insurance Statutory Committee
ff 1-10
130. The Beveridge Report: Organisation of the New Department and
Administration Arrangements ff 1-77
131. The Beveridge Report: Social Security Fund: Accounts ff 1-46
132. The Beveridge Report: Childrens Allowances ff 1-256
PIN 8/137-146: Ministry of Health Files (Later Incorporated
into the Ministry of National Insurance Files) Relating to Social
Insurance and Allied Services and Departmental Representation on
the Beveridge Committee. 1943-1944.
137. The Beveridge Report: Provision to be Made for Housewives on
Termination of Marriage otherwise than by Widowhood ff 1-24
138. The Beveridge Report: Machinery for Enforcement of Payment
of Contributions ff 1-103
139. The Beveridge Report: Appeals Procedure under Beveridge Plan
ff 1-139
140. The Beveridge Report: Disqualifications for the Receipt of
Pension and Guardians Benefit ff 1-138
141. The Beveridge Report: Workmens Compensation ff 1-180
142. Workmens Compensation ff 1-10
143. Workmens Compensation Act ff 1-45
144. The Beveridge Report: Transitional Problems ff 1-79
145. Pensions: Voluntary Contributions: Transitional Arrangements
ff 1-39
146. The Beveridge Report: Relation of the New Benefits to War
Pensioners ff 1-272
PIN 8/147-149: Ministry of Health Files (Later Incorporated
into the Ministry of National Insurance Files) Relating to Social
Insurance and Allied Services and Departmental Representation on
the Beveridge Committee. 1943-1944.
147. The Beveridge Report: General Questions arising on Vested or
Vesting Rights ff 1-18
148. The Beveridge Proposals: Draft White Paper ff 1-505
149. The Beveridge Proposals: Draft White Paper ff 1-136
PIN 8/150-157: Ministry of Health Files (Later Incorporated
into the Ministry of National Insurance Files) Relating to Social
Insurance and Allied Services and Departmental Representation on
the Beveridge Committee. 1943-1944.
150. The Beveridge Report: Draft White Paper ff 1-254
151. Social Insurance White Paper: Miscellaneous Points ff 11-110
152. Social Insurance White Paper: Debate ff 1-85
153. The Beveridge Report: Adult Dependants ff 1-78
154. The Beveridge Report: Inmates of Hospitals and Other
Institutions ff 1-83
155. The Beveridge Report: Death Grant ff 1-21
156. Setting Up of the Ministry of Social Insurance ff 1-219
157. Social Insurance: National Assistance: Disregard of
Resources ff 1-28
PIN 8/158-167: Ministry of Health Files (Later Incorporated
into the Ministry of National Insurance Files) Relating to Social
Insurance and Allied Services and Departmental Representation on
the Beveridge Committee. 1943-1944.
158. Recovery of Damages or Compensation in Respect of Personal
Injuries: Alternative Remedies ff 1-179
159. Compensation for Loss of Office: Approved Society Officers
ff 1-87
160. Abolition of approved Societies: Correspondence Arising ff 1-112
161. The Beveridge Report: Exemption from Payment of
Contributions ff 1-93
163. Public Opinion on the Beveridge Report ff 1-63
163. A System of Family Allowances ff 1-123
164. Britains Social Services and the War: Memorandum by
the Ministry of information ff 1-40
165. National Industrial Alliance: Setting Up a Committee to
Consider the Question of a Living Wage ff 1-16
166. The Beveridge Report: Question by the Lord Southwood about
the Completion and Publication of the Beveridge Report ff 1-9
167. The Beveridge Report: Correspondence re: Social Insurance:
Report of the National Resources Planning Board of the USA ff 1-32